About Us: Bid 4 Boquete+

Bid 4 Boquete+ (B4B+) is an all-volunteer fundraising initiative supporting charitable and civic organizations in and around Boquete, Panama. B4B+ brings together various organizations and individuals in a collaborative effort to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need within the community.

Our Mission:

B4B+ is committed to raising funds and supporting organizations that assist in the following areas:

  • Support and training for people with disabilities

  • Youth programs and education

  • Vocational training

  • Hunger relief and health initiatives

  • Literacy and education programs

  • Animal population control

How It Works:

B4B+ operates on a unique points system designed to encourage participation and recognize the contributions of all involved parties, whether they are organizations or individuals. Points are awarded for various activities, including:

  • Committee Involvement: Each committee responsible for organizing and running different aspects of the B4B+ events is assigned a predetermined number of points. These committees include administration, marketing, cleaning, food and beverage, children's activities, the rummage sale, silent auction, wine tasting, and live auction.

  • Volunteering at Events: Volunteers earn points for every hour they dedicate to supporting B4B+ events, including setup and teardown.

  • Donations: Both physical and monetary donations are encouraged and rewarded with points based on the value of the contribution.

At the end of the fundraising period, the total funds raised are divided by the total points accumulated to determine the monetary value of each point. This ensures a fair and transparent distribution of funds among the participating organizations based on their efforts.

B4B+ hosts a series of exciting events throughout the year, culminating in a grand finale in early March. The events include:

  • Silent Auction: This event has started. The silent auction runs for several months, providing ample opportunity for supporters to bid on various items and experiences. An online platform (https://givebutter.com/c/Bid4BoquetePlus2024) is available for convenient bidding.

  • Kickoff Dance: The official kickoff event is a lively dance held on February 28, 2025.

  • Wine Tasting Gala and Live Auction: On the evening of March 1, 2025, guests can enjoy an elegant evening of wine tasting followed by a live auction featuring unique and valuable items.

  • Venta de Patio (Rummage Sale): The grand finale is a large-scale rummage sale held on March 2, 2025, offering various clothing, household goods, and other items at bargain prices.

Join Us in Making a Difference!

B4B+ welcomes everyone to participate in this meaningful endeavor. Whether you choose to volunteer your time, donate goods or funds, or simply spread the word about our cause, your contribution is highly valued and directly contributes to the success of our mission. Together, we can create a positive impact and support those in need within our community.

Our Events

It promotes involvement from a wide range of participants: The points system is designed to encourage participation from a variety of groups, organizations, and individuals. Anyone who participates in or supports the events can earn points, regardless of whether they are formally part of a committee. This inclusivity aims to maximize community involvement and broaden the base of support for the event.

It provides tangible rewards for contributions: Groups and individuals accumulate points based on their level of participation and the value of their contributions. The total points earned translate into a monetary reward, distributed proportionally at the end of the fundraising period. This system directly links effort to reward, motivating participants to contribute more to increase their share of the funds raised.

It incentivizes both time and financial contributions: The points system recognizes and rewards various forms of support. Participants earn points for volunteering their time at events, with more points awarded for longer hours spent. Additionally, the system incentivizes donations, both in-kind and monetary, with higher value donations yielding more points. This dual approach encourages participants to contribute in ways that best suit their resources and preferences, maximizing the overall support for the event.

Overall, the points system is designed to foster a sense of shared ownership and reward active participation. By aligning incentives with contributions, the system motivates groups and individuals to actively participate and support Bid 4 Boquete +, ultimately contributing to the success of the fundraising endeavor for the benefit of the Boquete community.

Here is an explanation of how the Bid 4 Boquete + points system incentivizes participation and support for the event: