The Club Rotario de Boquete is a vibrant Rotary club chartered in 2005, composed of members including both Panamanians and expats from multiple nationalities. Located in Boquete, Chiriquí, Panama (District 4240), the club meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month for fellowship, stimulating speakers, and project discussions.

Mission and Focus

The club's mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace. Their key project areas include:

- Education: Providing scholarships, lending tablets to school-age children, teaching English

- Community Service: Supporting local initiatives and infrastructure projects

- Maternal & Child Health: Spearheading global grants for welfare programs

- Environment: Tree planting and establishing recycling programs

- Disaster Assistance

Community Involvement

The club is particularly active in supporting local communities, especially in the Comarca Ngäbe Buglé region. They have undertaken numerous projects such as providing potable water to schools, supporting Casa Hogar Trisker (a home for abandoned children), and implementing a midwife training program to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates.